I have realised something recently. With truth comes great responsibility. Perhaps I should have known this a long time ago. You'll have to forgive me, I sometimes take a while to figure things out!! I attribute this to being born blonde :)
So what, I hear you asking, are you on about???
I am, of course, talking about the great Truth, the truth of Jesus Christ. These last few weeks I have watched a friend have his world crash around him. He has had many bad things happen to him, and I can only imagine the depths of the pain this must have caused him. I have watched him struggle greatly to come to terms with so many bad things, and I have watched him fail in this endeavor. Meanwhile, I have all the answers he seeks. I have, living in me, the power he needs to overcome his circumstances. While I say this, I cannot make his life wonderful and perfect and easy, but this power I have in me, the power of Jesus Christ is the very help he needs to climb out of the pit of despair he finds himself in.
The truth of Jesus Christ. It is a very powerful thing. It has the power to overcome lies. The power to overcome death. The power to ease all fears. The power to love at all times. The power to see through the rubbish of this world and see to the wonderful world of Jesus Christ. Having this truth and this power changes your very perspective of life, and this, in turn, is often the greatest problem in life. No circumstance is too much if you have the right perspective.
And since I know this truth, and have this power, I have great responsibility. I have more responsibility than those who do not know this truth. I have a great responsibility to share this truth with everyone I meet, so that their eyes may be opened. Its almost like I have sight and those without the truth are blind. I have the power to open their eyes to real sight by sharing the truth. Jesus commanded His followers to do this very thing "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)
I have always known this, but never quite realised exactly how important it is! I have a responsibility to share the great truth of Jesus Christ!
And what about my friend you may ask? Sadly he did not want to hear the truth. But hopefully I have made him think, and one day, who knows? Maybe he will realise the truth I spoke and turn to the Father. It makes me very sad to see him struggle so much and not reach out to the only one who can help him. But I guess that is one of the burdens of knowing the truth. And if I weep for him, how much more does the Father weep?
What about you? Have you taken on the responsibility of the truth? Do you KNOW the truth?? If you dont and want to know more, send me a comment :)