Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm a Good Christian

Do you read you Bible?

Do you pray?

Do you go to church?

That makes you a good Christian, right?

I think so many of us fool ourselves into thinking that's all we need to do to be a good Christian. That's all God asks of us, right?


I've recently discovered that I've fallen into this pattern of thinking. I go to bible study every fortnight. I read my Bible. I go to church every Sunday. I'm even on the worship team. And I pray. Go me! But then I realised... that's the kind of lukewarm faith that is talked about in Revelation. And what was God's response to such faith? "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16) Wow. That's a strong reaction, don't you think?

But what will we do about it? You see, I believe God wants so much more for us. I believe that God wants an incredibly deep and intimate relationship with us, not just a prayer every now and then. God wants us to confide in Him with everything. He wants us to go to Him FIRST, not LAST. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die... so that we could have eternal life with Him. That's a pretty incredible gift and an incredible price to pay for an intimate relationship. In God, we have incredible power. If only we would use it. We have the power to withstand temptation. The power to resist satan. The power to LOVE.

What will your response be? Will you accept His invitation to an intimate relationship with Him? Or will you just stay where you are? Its difficult to be in an intimate relationship with Him. It is terrifying, because He will ask you to change things. It is difficult, because He will ask you to give up some things that perhaps you really love. It is painful, because He will chisel you and shape you into the person HE wants you to be. And that will include giving up some things and changing things. But it will also be REWARDING because there is nothing on this earth that is better than time with HIM. And He will take you on the most amazing journey of your life. But only if you'll let Him.

So what will you choose? A wise man once told me: there is no middle ground with God. Its either everything or nothing.

What will you give?


Or nothing?

The choice is yours.